

1280 1147 Interior designer Moka Design

one of prestigious Middle East Magazines wrote an article about Migaloo Home and Monika Błaszkowska LamasatPobierz

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Surge 2018- People’s choice award

1280 960 Interior designer Moka Design silkworm cocoons inside the resin cylinders soft light or counter display Migaloo Home Team participated in Surge 2018 with the work Irreversible Impact. The panel was designed to be a soft lightsource. Resin cylinders…

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Elle decoration

1491 1868 Interior designer Moka Design

Blue Dandelion cabinet designed by Monika Błaszkowska for Migaloo Home recomended in famous magazine

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“The design from the very top.”

1200 901 Interior designer Moka Design

an interview with Monika błaszkowska | Polish magazine

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Uroda życia

1536 2048 Interior designer Moka Design

article about Monika Błaszkowska and brand Migaloo Home in famous polish magazine

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We were nominated to TOP Design award 2018

560 420 Interior designer Moka Design

The jury chaired by prof. Bogumiła Jung, the President of the Association of Industrial Designers, selected products that qualified for the second stage of the competition. After many hours of deliberations, the jury decided to…

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“Challenging designing.”

850 534 Interior designer Moka Design

an interview with Monika Błaszkowska | Prestiż magazine

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Monika Błaszkowska
+48 501 446 332

Iza Kurach
+48 512 203 858

Adres: Bojano, ul Gryfa Pomorskiego 1/3
Godz: 9:00 -18:00